Release 37.1 Notes 11 June 2023#
In this release, we’ve developed the following improvements:
The widgets list in the Widget Builder now gets dynamically filtered as you enter your search terms.
Rebus now automatically populates grouping values for two-step activities imported through the Activity Adjustment Admin screen.
Widget Builder Improvements#
Widgets List Dynamically Filtered Based on Matching Search Terms#
The widgets list in the Widget Builder is now dynamically filtered as you enter your search terms, making it easier and quicker to find the desired widget. Only the groups that contain widgets matching the search terms are displayed in the list. Previously, although the number icon representing the number of widgets in each group would change based on entered search terms, all widget groups remained visible in the list.
Labor Module Improvements#
Auto-Populated Groupings for Two-Step Activities Imported through the Activity Adjustment Admin Screen#
When creating the CSV file to import activities through the activity adjustment admin screen, you can now leave the grouping value blank for two-step activities; Rebus will automatically populate grouping values with the prefix ‘TRAN-CSV’. Previously, entering a grouping value for two-step activities was required. To have Rebus properly auto-populate the grouping value for two-step activities, ensure that the two CSV file rows comprising the activity (i.e., stepSequence 0 and 1) are arranged chronologically, with the activity date of stepSequence 0 preceding that of stepSequence 1. Otherwise, the activity will not be imported. In this example, the activity date of step 1 (i.e., stepSequence 0) in the two-step PICK activity precedes the activity date of step 2 (i.e., stepSequence 1). Consequently, the same grouping value is given to both records.
userID |
activity |
stepSequence |
step |
activityDate |
grouping |
user01 |
0 |
2023-05-03 09:00:00 |
user01 |
1 |
2023-05-03 11:00:00 |
A grouping value is a unique transaction ID number assigned to each transaction by the WMS.
Rounding Decimals to Integers in the Travel Distance Map#
When you enter decimals to create or update a Travel Distance Map, or import them as X, Y, or Z coordinates, Rebus automatically rounds them to the nearest integers using the “round half up” rule. i.e., half-way values of x are always rounded up. Examples how Rebus rounds decimals to integers:
1.01 = 1
1.499 = 1
1.5 = 2
1.9999 = 2
Previously, an error message appeared each time decimals were entered or imported.
Labor Planning Improvements#
Change the Order of Demand Type Attributes#
When setting up the Demand Type, you can now rearrange the order of the demand attributes by moving them to the desired position in the list. This new functionality also lets you prioritize the order of the UNIT fields. By doing so, you ensure that the first field appearing in the list of selected UNIT fields is used to calculate the future labor costs and quantities, which are then grouped by the Labor Definition output fields. Previously, to change the order of the demand attribute fields, you opened the Widget Builder and edited the widget’s Display Fields stage.
Bug Fixes#
After turning off the global filter option then user still able to see the recently added global filter parameter value
Fix the Misleading Labels in Relative Dates & Allow a Negative “To” Date
Cascade - Widget passable variable not persisting
Widget Builder#
Chart Properties - Invalid properties were added after copying circular or linear widgets
Widget Builder: Fix Missing Scrollbars in Display Fields
Labor Module#
Activity Adjustment - Miss-calculated transaction
Activity Config group admin - Attributes tab should not appear when no group is present under the facility
User Preferences :- After reset the fields and logout and login back then user still able to see the reset fields
Config_Group_Admin- An improper error message on updating a group name with a duplicate name