
Widget Properties

Widget Properties#



Properties that let you configure the argument axis (horizontal axis) for individual axis. If your widget has multiple axis that should have the same configuration, see the commonAxisSettings section below.


Specifies the minimum distance between major grid lines (also called tick) in pixel. By default, the argument axis is divided so that the labels do not overlap each other. This property does not apply if your are using string labels.



Specifies the desired type of axis values. The type of the axis values is determined based on the type of the values specified in the corresponding data source field of the chart’s series. If arguments are specified as numeric values in a series data source, the argument axis values will also be of the numeric type. The same logic is used when string or date-time arguments are specified in the data source. In some scenarios, you may need the type of the arguments that are specified in the data source to be converted to another type.


Specifies the order in which argument of the string type appear on the axis. There should be one subproperty for each argument value that you want to order.

To create more subcategories, click on the ‘copy property’ button.


Specifies the color of the argument axis.


Creates a constant line on the argument axis. The aspect of a line configures in this property overwrites the appearance configures in the constantLineStyle property.

This property only works with logarithm type axis.



Specifies the appearance of all the constant lines belonging to the argument axis.


Specifies whether the grid lines (ticks) of an axis with string values are located between labels or cross the labels. When a discrete axis is divided, its ticks/grid lines are located between labels by default.


Specifies whether to force the axis to start and end on ticks.


A grid is a set of vertical and horizontal lines that span throughout the entire chart to improve its readability. The following properties apply to the vertical lines of the grid. To change the horizontal lines, see the grid property in the verticalAxis section.


Indicates the color of the vertical lines of the grid.


Indicates the opacity of the vertical lines of the grid.


Indicated whether or not the vertical lines of the grid are visible.


Indicates the width of the vertical lines of the grid.



Specifies the elements that will be highlighted when the titles on the argument axis are hovered over.


Specifies whether the axis is inverted. When an axis is inverted, the left-most and right-most values are reversed.


Configures the labels of the argument axis.


Aligns axis labels in relation to major grid lines (ticks).


Formats the type of a value before it is displayed and specifies the precision to use for the formatted value. Does not apply to string values.


Specifies the spacing between an axis and it’s labels, in pixels.


Specifies how to resolve overlapping labels on the argument axis.


Specifies the overlap resolving algorithm to be applied to the series point labels.


Specifies the angle used to rotate axis labels to resolve overlap.


Specifies the spacing that must be set between staggered rows when the ‘stagger’ algorithm is applied to resolve label overlap.


Indicates whether the labels of the argument axis are visible.



By default, ticks on a numerical axis are generated on a base of 10, i.e., 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc., but you can specify a different base. For example, if you set this option to 5, the ticks will be generated like this: 0.5, 5, 25, 125, 625, etc.

NOTE: The value assigned to the logarithmBase option should be greater than 1.


Deprecated use visualRange instead.

Specifies the maximum value on the argument axis. Does not apply if you are using string labels. If you do not specify this property, the maximum value on the argument axis corresponds to the maximum argument value in the chart’s data.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the max value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: max + (max - min)*maxValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set maxValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 216.


In addition to the major grid built on major ticks, the chart widgets provide a minor grid that is built on minor ticks.


Specifies the color of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies an opacity for the lines of the minor grid.


Specifies whether the minor grid is visible or not.


Specifies the width of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies the options of the minor ticks. In addition to major ticks, the chart widget provides the capability to draw minor ticks. Minor ticks divide an axis segment that lies between two neighboring major ticks. To specify how to generate minor ticks, use the minorTickInterval or minorTickCount options.


Specifies a color for the minor ticks.


Specifies a length for the minor ticks.


Specifies the opacity of the minor ticks.


Indicates whether or not the minor ticks are displayed on an axis.


Specifies a width for the minor ticks.


Specifies the number of minor ticks between two neighboring major ticks. Does not work for string values.

NOTE: If you set both the minorTickCount and the minorTickInterval options, the minorTickCount option will be ignored.


Specifies the interval between minor ticks.

To divide a lengthy chart axis into shorter segments, major and minor ticks are used. Minor ticks are required when major ticks are far from each other. If this option is not set, minor ticks are arranged automatically.

NOTE: The minorTickInterval option can be applied to a continuous axis only. For logarithmic axes, use the minorTickCount option.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the min value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: min - (max - min) * minValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set minValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 24.


Specifies the opacity of the line that represents an axis. This functionality accepts value between1 and 0, where 1 is completely opaque.


Specifies, in pixels, the space reserved for an axis. The scale’s height includes the space occupied by the axis labels, axis line and the space between the axis labels and axis line.


Specifies the position of the argument axis on the chart.



Strips are the highlighted areas in a chart within the defined range of values (minimum and maximum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series to trace whether the series points’ values fall in or out of that range.

Available Properties:

  • color

  • endValue

  • label

  • paddingLeftRight

  • paddingTopBottom

  • startValue


An object defining configuration options for strip style. Strips are the highlighted areas of a chart within a defined range of values (maximum and minimum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series, to trace whether the series point values fall in or out of that range.


Ticks divide an axis into equal sections by a step whose value is determined automatically, or by the tickInterval or axisDivisionFactor options. Ticks improve the readability of charts, but are not visible by default in the chart widget.



Specifies an interval between axis grid lines.If this option is not set, ticks are automatically arranged so that their labels do not overlap each other.

In case of a numeric axis, assign a numeric value to this option. If the axis is of the date-time type, assign one of the predefined string values or an object to this option.


Specifies the title for the argument axis, its format and its position.



Specifies the required type of the argument axis.


Required when string arguments are used in the data source. The discrete axis is divided by the values that are specified as arguments in the data source.

If you require a discrete axis when numeric or date-time arguments are specified in the data source, set the type option to ‘discrete’ explicitly.


Required when numeric or date-time arguments are used in the series’ data source. The continuous axis is divided automatically.

For this type, ticks and grid lines are positioned so that their labels do not overlap each other.


The ‘logarithmic’ type can be set when numeric values are specified in the series data source.

For this type, ticks and grid lines are positioned so that their labels do not overlap each other.


Indicates whether to display series with indents from axis boundaries.


Indicates whether the line that represent the argument axis is visible.


Specifies the axis’ displayed range.


The end value that should be displayed at the chart’s end, regardless of the data value.


The start value that should be displayed at the chart’s start, regardless of the data value.


Specifies whether the visualRange behavior should be kept when the widget is updated. Set this property to ‘keep’


The mode changes depending on the visual range’s position on the axis.


The visual range does not change. Choose this option to maintain the values configured when refreshing the widget or changing the date value through the date ribbon.


Configures the visual range to equal the whole range.


Configures the visual range to move to the axis’ end.


Specifies the width of the line that represents an axis in the chart.


Specifies the ranges where the axis can be zoomed and panned.


The end value for the range.


The start value for the range.


Specifies whether series point markers should be automatically hidden when overlaping occurs to reduce visual clutter.


DEPRECATED use barPadding under the commonSeriesSettings or series property instead.

Specifies a common bar width as a percentage from 0 to 1. Works only if the equalBarWidth option is selected.


Has properties that let you configure common settings for the argument axis. Properties configured in the argumentAxis properties override the common settings.


Specifies the color of the argument axis.


Creates a constant line on the argument axis. The aspect of a line configures in this property overwrites the appearance configures in the constantLineStyle property.

This property only works with logarithm type axis.



Specifies whether grid lines (ticks) of an axis with string values are located between labels or cross the labels. When a discrete axis is divided, its ticks/grid lines are located between labels by default.


Specifies whether to force the axis to start and end on ticks.


A grid is a set of mutually-crossing vertical and horizontal lines that stretch throughout the entire chart. Visually, grid lines can be considered extensions of major ticks. The grid improves the readability of chart data.


Indicated the color of the vertical lines of the argument axis.


Indicates the opacity of the vertical lines of the argument axis.


Indicated whether or not the vertical lines of the argument axis are visible.


Indicates the width of the vertical lines of the argument axis.



Specifies whether the axis is inverted. When an axis is inverted, the left-most and right-most values are reversed.


Specifies the elements that will be highlighted when the argument axis is hovered over.


Configures the labels of the argument axis. Axis labels display the values of major axis ticks.



Aligns axis labels in relation to ticks.


Formats a value before it is displayed.


Specifies the spacing between an axis and it’s labels, in pixels.


Specifies how to resolve overlapping labels on the argument axis.


Specifies the overlap resolving algorithm to be applied to the series point labels.

Available options

  • Auto

  • Ignore

  • Stagger

  • Rotate

  • EnlargeTickInterval


Specifies the angle used to rotate the axis labels to resolve the overlap.


When the stagger algorithm is applied in the mode setting, specifies the spacing that must be set between staggered rows.


Indicated whether the labels of the argument axis are visible.



Makes the axis line visible.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the max value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: max + (max - min)*maxValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set maxValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 216.


In addition to the major grid built on major ticks, the chart widgets provide a minor grid that is built on minor ticks.


Specifies the color of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies an opacity for the lines of the minor grid.


Specifies whether the minor grid is visible or not.


Specifies the width of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies the options of the minor ticks. In addition to major ticks, the chart widget provides the capability to draw minor ticks. Minor ticks divide an axis segment that lies between two neighboring major ticks. To specify how to generate minor ticks, use the minorTickInterval or minorTickCount options.


Specifies a color for the minor ticks.


Specifies a length for the minor ticks.


Specifies the opacity of the minor ticks.


Shifts the minor tick from the reference position.


Indicates whether or not the minor ticks are displayed on an axis.


Specifies a width for the minor ticks.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the min value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: min - (max - min) * minValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set minValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 24.


Specifies the opacity of the line that represents an axis. This functionality accepts value between1 and 0, where 1 is completely opaque.


Specifies, in pixels, the space reserved for an axis. The scale’s height includes the space occupied by the axis labels, axis line and the space between the axis labels and axis line.


Specifies the position of the argument axis on the chart.



DEPRECATED use tickInterval under the argumentAxis property instead.

Specifies whether date-time values should be rounded off to the nearest tick internal. Applies only to axes of the continuous (numeric or date-time) type arguments.


An object defining configuration options for strip style. Strips are the highlighted areas of a chart within a defined range of values (maximum and minimum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series, to trace whether the series point values fall in or out of that range.

Available Properties:

  • label

  • paddingLeftRight

  • paddingTopBottom


Ticks divide an axis into equal sections by a step whose value is determined automatically, or by the tickInterval or axisDivisionFactor options. Ticks improve the readability of charts, but are not visible by default in the chart widget.



Specifies the tick’s color.


Specifies the tick’s length.


Specifies the tick’s opacity where 0 makes a tick completely transparent and 1 maked them opaque.


Shifts ticks form the reference position.


Specifies whether ticks are visible.


Specifies the tick’s width.


Specifies the title for the argument axis.



Indicates whether to display series with indents from axis boundaries.


Indicates whether the line that represent the argument axis is visible.


Specifies the width of the line that represents an axis in the chart.


Use these properties to set options for all panes at once. The values that are set individually override the corresponding common values.


Specifies the background color for the chart’s panes.


Specifies the border options of a chart’s panes.


Specifies settings common for all series in the chart. These settings can be overridden by settings at the type or individual series level. To change individual series settings, see the series property.


Specifies which data source field provides arguments for the argument field. This is usually set up in the chart wizard.


Specifies the padding (width) of all bar series. Applies only to bar-type series.


Configures a border for all the series in the widget. Only applies to area, bar and bubble series.



Specifies a color for all the series in a widget.


Makes bars look rounded in bar-like series.



Specifies the dash style of all the series’ line.


Prevents the chart from drawing unnecessary gaps between points whena data source has null arguments or values.


Defines the label configuration options for all chart’s point labels. This property overrides the common series label property. To set a label option for an individual series, use the label object within the series object.


Specifies settings that are common to all line series.


Specifies the maximum number of labels that can be displayed for a the series if that series has a large number of points. If the number of the points on a series exceeded the number assigned to the maxLabelCount field, the point labels for this series will not be displayed.


When you display data in a bar-like series with a wide range of values, the low values are often displayed by small bars that are difficult to click, select or hover over. In such cases, use the minBarSize option to set the minimal size of a displayed bar.


Specifies opacity for the series in the widget. Applies only to bubble, area, spline, and range series.


Specifies the pane that will be used to display the series. To learn more about panes, see defaultPane and commonPaneSettings.


Specifies the options for points in line and area-like series for common series. The values that are set individually override their corresponding value configured in the commonSeriesSettings.


Specifies the data source field that provides values for the end of all range series.To set the data source field for the other end of the range series, use the rangeValue2Field property.


Specifies the data source field that provides values for the second end of a range series. To set the data source field for the other end of the range series, use the rangeValue1Field property.


Specifies the series elements to highlight when the series is selected. Make sure that the onPointClick function is selected for the onPointClickWidgetFunction property.


Configures the appearance of a series when you select it.


Specifies whether to show the series in the chart’s legend.


Specifies which data source field to use to define the sizes of bubbles in relation to each other

Each point in a bubble series has an argument, a value and a size value. Arguments are provided by the argumentField, values are provided by the valueField and size values are provided by the sizeField. Apart from a size value, the real, pixel-measured size of a bubble depends on the minBubbleSize and maxBubbleSize values and the size of the pane.


Specifies the data source field providing auxiliary data for series points. This allows you to associate any data with a series point and store the information in the tag field.


Sets the series’ chart type. Usually this is done through the Chart Wizard, but you can select a new value through the drop-down menu.


Specifies which data source field provides the value for the series points if you are using a series template. Otherwise, the value field is indicated individually in the series array. Used in Setting Up Overlapping Bar Charts and Setting Up Stacked Bar Charts.


Allows the configuration of error bars that indicate the uncertainty of a reported measurement.

This property only works for numeric axes using the area, bar, line, spline or step series.


Specifies the visibility of the series. When this option is unchecked, all the series appears invisible.


Specified the width of the lines in a line-type series.


Crosshair is a pointer represented by two mutually-crossing lines stretched over the entire chart plot. The crosshair helps a user identify the values of the series points precisely. When enabled, the crosshair follows the cursor and snaps to the nearest series point.



Specifies the color of the crosshair lines.


Specifies the dash style of the crosshair lines.


Enables the crosshair.


Configures the crosshair labels. Crosshair labels appear on the chart axes when a user pauses on a series point. They display the argument and the value of this series point.


There are two crosshair labels on a chart - one for each crosshair line, and the label property described here configures both. Because the crosshair labels are hidden by default, you need to select the enable property first.


Specifies the background color of the crosshair label.


Specifies the font option for the crosshair’s label


Indicates whether crosshair labels are visible


Specifies how transparent the crosshair lines should be.

This option accepts a value from 0 to 1, where 0 makes the crosshair lines completely transparent, and 1 makes them opaque.


Specifies the width of the crosshair lines.


Specifies a default pane for the chart’s series. When there are several panes declared, be sure to specify on which pane each series must be displayed. If a pane is not specified for a series, the series is displayed on a ‘default’ pane. When there is only one pane in the chart, it’ s named ‘default’ and is considered to be the default one.


The Chart widget can include a legend - an explanatory component that helps you identify a series. Each series is represented by an item on a legend. An item marker identifies the series color. An item label displays the series title.



Specifies a color for the legend’s background.


Use this property to make a legend’s border visible/invisible and set up such border options as color, width etc.


Specify how many columns should be used to organize the legend’s items.


Specifies a blank space between the legend’s columns in pixels.


Specifies whether or not item columns in the legend have an equal width. When this property is not selected, the width of the item column is determined by the longest text. When this property is selected, all item columns have an equal width.


Has properties that let you configure font options for the text displayed in the legend.


Specifies a legend’s horizontal position on the chart.


Specifies what series elements to highlight when a corresponding item in the legend is hovered over. When a legend item is hovered over, the corresponding series is highlighted.To prevent this behavior, set the hoverMode property to ‘none’.


Specifies the alignment of legend items.


Specifies the position of the text relative to the item marker.


Specifies the distance between the legend and surrounding widget elements or container borders in pixels.


Specifies the size of item markers in the legend in pixels.


Specifies whether to place the legend items horizontally or vertically. When this option is set to ‘ vertical ‘, legend items are displayed in a column. When this option is set to ‘ horizontal ‘, legend items are displayed in a row. When this option is not defined, the legend orientation is chosen automatically.


Specifies a blank space between a legend’ s left / right boundaries and the inner item boundaries in pixels.


Specifies a blank space between a legend ‘s top/bottom boundaries and the inner item boundaries in pixels.


Specifies whether the legend is located outside or inside the chart’s plot.


Specifies how many rows it takes to arrange the legend’s items.


Specifies a blank space between legend rows in pixels.


Specifies a legend’s vertical position on the chart.


Specifies the visibility state of the chart’s legend.


Specifies the blank space in pixels between the widget’s extreme elements and the boundaries of the area provided for the widget.


Determines the diameter of the largest bubble in a bubble chart. When defining a bubble series, you are required to specify a size field. The largest size value will be represented on the chart by the largest bubble. Its visual diameter will be calculated by the following formula: d = maxBubbleSize * min(height, width). Normally, the height and width from this formula equal the size of the widget container. However, when several panes are used in the widget, the height and width equal the pane size.


Specifies the diameter of the smallest bubble measured in pixels. When defining a bubble series, you are required to specify a size field. The smallest size value will be represented on the chart by the smallest bubble. To set its visual diameter, specify the minBubbleSize option.


Lets you specify a function to execute when a series point is clicked or tapped. Select OnPointClick to indicate that a series should be highlighted and selected when clicked.


Sets the palette to be used for colorizing series and their elements. This property is overriden by the commonSeriesSettings of the individual series settings.



A pane is a chart area containing series. If there are multiple series in a chart, they can be distributed between multiple panes.



Specifies the color of the pane’s background.


Has options that let you configure the pane’s border.


Specifies the name of the pane.

When there are multiple panes in a chart, a series needs to be assigned to a particular pane. By default, a series belongs to the defaultPane. To bind a series to another pane, name the pane and assign this name to the pane property of the series.


Specifies whether a single point or multiple points can be selected at the same time in the chart. Make sure that the onPointClick function is selected for the onPointClickWidgetFunction property.


Swaps the axes around making the value axis horizontal and the argument axis vertical.


Specifies whether or not the widget supports right-to-left representation. The most common scenario is switching all the widgets to a right-to-left reading order.


The scroll bar allows a user to scroll the chart. In order to use the scroll bar, you need to enable the zoomAndPan property in your chart. You can adjust the scroll bar appearance settings, including color, width and opacity.


Specifies the color of the scroll bar.


Specifies the spacing between the scroll bar and the chart, in pixel.


Specifies the opacity of the scroll bar.


Specifies the position of the scroll bar in the chart.


Specifies whether the scroll bar is visible or not.


Specifies the width of the scroll bar, in pixel.


A series represents a grouping of related data points. The most important characteristic of a series is its type, which determines a particular visual representation of data. The options for each series are initially taken from the setup you specified in the chart wizard.

To configure settings that apply to all of your series, see the commonSeriesSettings property.


Specifies which data source field provides arguments for the series points.


Specifies the padding (width) of all a bar serie. Applies only to bar-type series.


Configures a border for the serie in the widget. Only applies to area, bar and bubble series.



Specifies a series’ color.


Makes bars look rounded in bar-like series.



Specifies the dash style of the series’ line.


Prevents the chart from drawing unnecessary gaps between points whena data source has null arguments or values.


Specifies options for a series’ label. Each series point can be accompanied by a text label that represents data related to the point.


Specifies how to align point labels relative to the corresponding data points that they represent.


Specifies a format for the text displayed in the series’ label.


Specifies a background color for point labels


Specifies border options for point label.


Specifies options to configure the connector that links the label to the series it represents.


Specifies font options for the series’ label.


Formats the point value before it will be displayed in the point label.


Specifies how to shift point labels horizontally from their initial positions.


Specifies a precision for the percentage values displayed in the labels of a full - stacked - line series.

The property ‘s value must be an integer indicating the number of digits to show in the percentage values displayed in labels.


Specifies a label position in a bubble, range-like or bar-like series.


Specifies the angle used to rotate point labels from their initial position.


Specifies whether to show a label when the point has a zero value. Applies to bar-type series.


Specifies how to shift point labels vertically from their initial positions.


Indicated whether labels are visible.



When you display data in a bar-like series with a wide range of values, the low values are often displayed by small bars that are difficult to click, select or hover over. In such cases, use the minBarSize option to set the minimal size of a displayed bar.


Specifies the opacity for the serie in the widget. Applies to bubble, area, spline, step and range series.


Specifies the pane that will be used to display a series. See also defaultPane and commonPaneSettings.


Specifies the options for points in line and area-like series for an individual series. The values that are set individually override their corresponding value configured in the commonSeriesSettings.


Specifies the data source field that provides values for the end of all range series. To set the data source field for the other end of the range series, use the rangeValue2Field property.


Specifies the data source field that provides values for the second end of a range series. To set the data source field for the other end of the range series, use the rangeValue1Field property.


Specifies the series elements to highlight when the series is selected.


Specifies whether a single series or multiple series can be selected in the chart.


Specifies whether to show the series in the chart’s legend.


Sets the series’ chart type. Usually, this is done through the Chart Wizard, but you can select a new value through the drop-down menu.


Allows the configuration of error bars that indicate the uncertainty of a reported measurement.

This property only works for numeric axes using the area, bar, line, spline or step series.


Specifies the visibility of a serie. When this option is unchecked, the serie appears invisible.


Specified the width of the lines in a line-type series.


Defines options for the series template. A series template lets you specify exactly which data you want to display and can be used when you don’t knowhow many series will be added to your data source.

customizeSeries with individual settings.

Specifies a function that returns a serie’s object


Specifies a data source field that represents the series name.


Specifies the size of the widget in pixels if you want it to be different than the one from its container. The widget occupies the entire area of the container. If the container’s size (width or height) is set to zero, the widget is not displayed. If you need to set a particular size for the widget, use the size configuration properties.


Indicates whether or not to synchronize value axes when they are displayed on a single pane. When synchronized, the ticks (or grid lines) of all the value axes in a pane are located on the same line.


A tooltip is a small pop-up rectangle that displays information about a series point when you hover over them.



Use this property to set a format for arguments when they are displayed in tooltips.


Specifies a precision for formatted arguments displayed in tooltips.This property ‘s value must be an integer indicating how many digits to show in the argument displayed in tooltips. This property value is considered when tooltips display arguments in one of the following numeric formats: ‘ fixedPoint ‘, ‘ exponential ‘, ‘ currency ‘, ‘ percent ‘.


Specifies the length of the tooltips’ arrow, in pixels.


Specifies the appearance of the tooltip’s border.


Specifies a color for the chart’s tooltips.


Specifies whether or not tooltips are enabled in the chart.


Specifies a format for the text displayed in crosshair labels.



Specifies whether the tooltip must be located in the center of a bar or on its edge. Applies only to the Bar series.


Specifies the opacity of tooltips.


Specifies the blank space between a tooltip’s left/right boundaries and the inner text, in pixels.


Specifies the blank space between a tooltip’s top/bottom boundaries and the inner text, in pixels.


Specifies the kind of information to display in a tooltip. By default, a tooltip displays information about the currently hovered series point. If you select the shared option, the tooltip will display information about all the points that have the same argument as the hovered point at once.


Specifies options of the tooltip’s shadow.


Specifies the blur of a tooltip’s shadow.


Color a tooltip’s shadow


Indicates the horizontal offset of a tooltip’s shadow, in pixel.


Indicates the vertical offset of a tooltip’s shadow, in pixel.


Specifies the opacity of a tooltip’s shadow. Accept a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque.


Properties that let you configure the value axis (horizontal axis) for individual axis. Used in Setting up Constant Lines in Bar Graphs and Line Charts.


Specifies the minimum distance between major grid lines (also called tick) in pixel. By default, the argument axis is divided so that the labels do not overlap each other. This property does not apply if your are using string labels.


Specifies the order in which argument of the string type appear. There should be one subproperty for each argument value that you want to order.

To create more subcategories, click on the ‘copy property’ button.


Specifies the color of the value axis.



Creates a constant line on the value axis. The aspect configured in this property overwrites the appearance configured in the constantLineStyle property.

This property only works with logarithm type axis.



Specifies the appearance of all the constant lines belonging to the value axis.


Specifies whether to force the axis to start and end on ticks.


Specifies whether the grid lines (ticks) of an axis with string values are located between labels or cross the labels. When a discrete axis is divided, its ticks/grid lines are located between labels by default.


A grid is a set of vertical and horizontal lines that span throughout the entire chart to improve its readability. The following properties apply to the horizontal lines of the grid. To change the vertical lines, see the grid property in the argumentAxis section.



Indicates the color of the horizontal lines of the grid.


Indicates the opacity of the horizontal lines of the grid.


Indicated whether or not the horizontal lines of the grid are visible.


Indicates the width of the horizontal lines of the grid.


Specifies whether the axis is inverted. When an axis is inverted, the top and bottom values are reversed.


Configures the labels of the value axis.



Aligns axis labels in relation to major grid lines (ticks).


Formats the type of a value before it is displayed and specifies the precision to use for the formatted value. Does not apply to string values.


Specifies the spacing between an axis and it’s labels, in pixels.


Specifies how to resolve overlapping labels on the value axis, when your chart is rotated. Overlapping behavior can only be corrected for axis in the horizontal position.


Specifies the overlap resolving algorithm to be applied to the series point labels.


Specifies the angle used to rotate axis labels to resolve overlap.


Specifies the spacing that must be set between staggered rows when the ‘stagger’ algorithm is applied to resolve label overlap.


Indicates whether the labels of the value axis are visible.


By default, ticks on a numerical axis are generated on a base of 10, i.e., 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc., but you can specify a different base. For example, if you set this option to 5, the ticks will be generated like this: 0.5, 5, 25, 125, 625, etc.

NOTE: The value assigned to the logarithmBase option should be greater than 1.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the max value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: max + (max - min)*maxValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set maxValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 216.


In addition to the major grid built on major ticks, the chart widgets provide a minor grid that is built on minor ticks.



Specifies the color of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies an opacity for the lines of the minor grid.


Specifies whether the minor grid is visible or not.


Specifies the width of the minor grid’s lines.


Specifies the options of the minor ticks. In addition to major ticks, the chart widget provides the capability to draw minor ticks. Minor ticks divide an axis segment that lies between two neighboring major ticks. To specify how to generate minor ticks, use the minorTickInterval or minorTickCount options.



Specifies a color for the minor ticks.


Specifies a length for the minor ticks.


Specifies the opacity of the minor ticks.


Indicates whether or not the minor ticks are displayed on an axis.


Specifies a width for the minor ticks.


Specifies the number of minor ticks between two neighboring major ticks. Does not work for string values.

NOTE: If you set both the minorTickCount and the minorTickInterval options, the minorTickCount option will be ignored.


Specifies the interval between minor ticks.

To divide a lengthy chart axis into shorter segments, major and minor ticks are used. Minor ticks are required when major ticks are far from each other. If this option is not set, minor ticks are arranged automatically.

NOTE: The minorTickInterval option can be applied to a continuous axis only. For logarithmic axes, use the minorTickCount option.


Specifies how much to expand the axes from the min value. This is helpful when you need to display a series with indents from the axes.

Since this property value is a coefficient, you can set a value for the axis expansion without knowledge of the actual axis values. The resulting end axis value is calculated using the following formula: min - (max - min) * minValueMargin. Assume that the minimum value is 40 and the maximum value is 200. If you set minValueMargin to 0.1, the resulting end axis value will be 24.


Specifies the empty space in pixel that should be displayed between side-by-side value axes.


Specifies the name of the value axis. This is usefull when there are multiple value axes in a chart and series need to know exactly which axis they are bound to. To bind a series to another axis, name the axis and assign this name to the axis series property.


Specifies the opacity of the line that represents the value axis.


Specifies, in pixels, the space reserved for an axis. The scale’s height includes the space occupied by the axis labels, axis line and the space between the axis labels and axis line.


Specifies the position of the value axis on the chart.

Accepted Value

  • right

  • left



DEPRECATED use tickInterval under the valueAxis property instead.

Specifies whether date-time values should be rounded off to the nearest tick internal. Applies only to axes of the continuous (numeric or date-time) type arguments.


Specifies whether the number 0 should be displayed on the value Axis.


Strips are the highlighted areas in a chart within the defined range of values (minimum and maximum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series to trace whether the series points’ values fall in or out of that range.



An object defining configuration options for strip style. Strips are the highlighted areas of a chart within a defined range of values (maximum and minimum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series, to trace whether the series point values fall in or out of that range.


Synchronizes multiple axis with each other at a given value. This option adds an extra tick on the value axis for all the series in your widget, synchronizing the axes with each other.

Note: If used with a full-stack series, this option only recognize value from 0 to 1, where 0 denotes 0% and 100 denotes 100%.


Ticks divide an axis into equal sections by a step whose value is determined automatically, or by the tickInterval or axisDivisionFactor options. Ticks improve the readability of charts, but are not visible by default in the chart widget.


Specifies an interval between axis grid lines.If this option is not set, ticks are automatically arranged so that their labels do not overlap each other.

In case of a numeric axis, assign a numeric value to this option. If the axis is of the date-time type, assign one of the predefined string values or an object to this option.


Specifies the title for the value axis, its format and its position.



Specifies the required type of the value axis.


Required when string arguments are used in the data source. The discrete axis is divided by the values that are specified as arguments in the data source.

If you require a discrete axis when numeric or date-time arguments are specified in the data source, set the type option to ‘discrete’ explicitly.


Required when numeric or date-time arguments are used in the series’ data source. The continuous axis is divided automatically.

For this type, ticks and grid lines are positioned so that their labels do not overlap each other.


The ‘logarithmic’ type can be set when numeric values are specified in the series data source.

For this type, ticks and grid lines are positioned so that their labels do not overlap each other.


Indicates whether to display series with indents from axis boundaries.


Casts value to a specified data type.


Indicates whether the line that represent the value axis is visible.


Specifies the axis’ displayed range.


The end value that should be displayed at the chart’s end, regardless of the data value.


The start value that should be displayed at the chart’s start, regardless of the data value.


Specifies whether the visualRange behavior should be kept when the widget is updated. Set this property to ‘keep’


The mode changes depending on the visual range’s position on the axis.


The visual range does not change. Choose this option to maintain the values configured when refreshing the widget or changing the date value through the date ribbon.


Configures the visual range to equal the whole range.


Configures the visual range to move to the axis’ end.


Specifies the width of the line that represents the value axis in the chart.


Specifies the ranges where the axis can be zoomed and panned.


The end value for the range.


The start value for the range.


This option allows you to control the zooming and panning capabilities in your chart. By default, this capability is off and must be selected for either the argument or the value axis, or both. You can define the range within which zooming and panning is allowed under the wholeRange property.


Specifies if users can use the mouse wheel to zoom on the chart. This is usefull if your widget is seen on a computer screen.


Specifies if users can use touch gestures to zoom or pan the chart. This is usefull if your widget is seen on a mobile device.


Specifies whether users can use zoom or pan on the argument axis.


Configures a box that appears when a user zooms on the chart by selecting an area with the drag gesture.

Only applies if dragToZoom is used.


Allows users to zoom in the chart by selecting an area with the drag gesture.

This only applies if allowMouseWheel is selected.

Available option:

  • alt

  • ctrl

  • meta

  • shift (default)


Specifies which key should be use to trigger panning. This property only applies if dragToZoom and allowMouseWheel is selected.


Specifies whether users can use zoom or pan on the value axis.



Specifies adaptive layout options. When your scenario provides the capability to change the size of the widget container, this container may become too small for the widget to display all of its elements. In this case, the adaptive layout removes accessory widget elements, thus saving space for the most important ones. The elements are being removed in the following sequence.


Specifies whether the value axis should be adjusted when zooming the widget.


Has options that let you specify how the gauge indicator is animated.


Determines how long the animation runs in miliseconds.


Whether animation is enabled.


Specifies the type of animation easing.

Available options:

  • easeOutCubic

  • linear


Specifies how many series point the widget should display before the animation ends. When there is a very large number of series points, animation reduces the chart’s performance. So, it is better to set an optimal number for the chart to disable animation when the point count exceeds this number.


Processes data before visualizing it.


Specifies whether each data source should be checked before being displayed. This is usefull if your data source has different data type, but you wish to display it in the same axis.

Selecting this property affects the performance of your widget. To cast arguments to a specified data type, see argument type under the argument axis property or value type under the value axis property.


Specifies whether or not to convert the values from a data source into the data type of an axis. If this option is selected, all data source values will be converted from their initial type into the data type of an axis. To specify the axis data type, use the argumentType or valueType option of the argumentAxis or valueAxis object respectively. If the axis data type is not specified explicitly, it will be determined automatically on the base of the first data source value.


Specifies the sorting order in which series points should be drawn. if the series’ type is String, the categories property overrides the sorting method.


Configures the exporting and printing features of the widget. These features allow a user to export your widget into a document and print it. When exporting is enabled, the ‘export’ button appears in the widget. A click on it invokes a drop-down menu containing a list of available formats for exporting into.


Specifies the appearance of the loading indicator. Usually, the widget is quick enough to draw itself instantly for a viewer. There are, however, cases, when the widget takes longer to be drawn. In such cases, displaying the loading indicator is recommended. To display the loading indicator, select the ‘show’ option and select it.


Specifies a color for the loading indicator background.



Specifies whether to show the loading indicator or not.


Specifies a text to be displayed by the loading indicator.


Specifies whether to redraw the widget when the size of the browser window changes or a mobile device rotates.