
Release 33.1 Notes 18 September 2022#


In this release, we’ve developed the following user interface (UI) improvements:

  • You can now quickly reset widget parameters to their defaults through the Widget Properties form.

  • You can now select string parameter values from a checkbox list to filter your widget.

  • Other miscellaneous UI improvements.

User Interface Improvements#

Quickly Reset Widgets’ Parameters to Default#

After modifying your dashboard widgets’ parameters, you can now quickly reset these parameters to default directly from the Widget Properties form:


Previously, one had to navigate back to the Widget Builder, view the default values there, and enter them manually in the Widget Properties form.

Widget Parameter Values are Now a List in the Widget Properties Form#

From the Widget Properties form, you can now select string parameter values from a checkbox list to filter your widget.


To search for a value, you can use the ‘Search or Add Option’ text box. If the entered value is not found in the list (see example below), just click ‘Add’ to add it as a parameter value.


Other Miscellaneous UI improvements#

  • You can now add up to 30 dashboards on the Rebus main menu.

  • You can now use all widget parameters as global filters to filter them from one place on your dashboard. Previously, only common widget parameters could be used as global filters.

  • You can now refresh the Widget Library with the new refresh button refresh_library to update it with recently created widgets and add them to your dashboard.