
Release 29.2 Notes 06 February 2022#


In this release, we’ve developed the following improvements:

  • Redesigned Drop-down Menu

  • Notification for Releases on Home Screen

  • Meaningful Date Global Filter Formats

  • Better Navigation with Scrollbar Across Rebus

  • Widget Date Picker Displays the Currently Applied Date Parameter

  • Pivot Table can Display a “Total” Row

  • Problematic Widgets Return an Error Message instead of Showing Blank


Redesigned Drop-down Menu#

The drop-down menu on a widget now displays a concise set of options. The following changes in the drop-down have been made:

  • The drop-down menu on a widget now displays representative symbol next to each option to quickly recognize the meaning of each option.

  • The export options have been grouped into one submenu called ‘Export As…’

  • The Frozen option is now displayed as an on/off toggle button. This option still works the same way as before.

  • The default widget title that used to appear at the top of the menu is now moved to the Widget’s Properties modal, right below the Custom Title input field:


Notification for Releases on Home Screen#

Now, if you login and the following has happened since your last login:

  • A release has been deployed into Rebus and there are release notes describing the changes.

You will see in the lower right-hand corner a dialog box informing you that a release has been deployed and that release notes are ready. The dialog box has a link to the latest release notes. To dismiss the dialog box, click ‘Got it’.

Meaningful Date Global Filter Formats#

To make it easy to see which date global filter is applied, the format of of the date global filter label on the dashboard’s title bar now matches the date label displayed in the widgets:





Widget Date Picker Displays the Currently Applied Date Parameter#

For consistency, the Date Picker has been updated to display the date filter actually applied to the widget:


Previously, the Date Picker would always display “Today” by default, regardless of what actual date filter was applied.

Better Navigation with Scrollbar Across Rebus#

The scrollbar across the Rebus interface is now longer to make it more visible and easier to navigate with.


Problematic Widget Returns an Error Message Instead of Showing Blank#

A problematic widget now returns an error message with a code. You can report the error message and its code or send a screenshot to the Rebus support team, which helps them to troubleshoot the issue.


Pivot Table Mode Can Display a Total Row#

The pivot table mode can now display a ‘Total’ row in a grid for fields that have numeric data.


To have Rebus display this row when working with the pivot stage, follow these steps:

  1. From the widget’s Chart Properties, add the properties groupIncludeFooter and groupIncludeTotalFooter.

  1. Select the checkboxes for these two properties and then click ‘Save’.
