
Release 15.0 Notes 24 August 2018#


In this release, we’ve added new widget builder functionality that lets you do the following:

  • Prepare the data that is used to populate a custom widget.

  • Set the chart type of a custom widget.

New Features#

Create Widgets through Widget Builder#

A new widget builder wizard lets you prepare the data for a custom widget. The wizard is accessed through a re-designed Widget Builder screen (found under Widget Administration). The wizard takes you stage-by-stage from selecting data to grouping it to setting up pivot tables. There are seven stages:

Widget Builder Stages#


User Actions

  1. Filling in the Basics

Add the name and description of the widget and select the data source.

  1. Filtering Data

Add criteria to select the data to be used to populate the widget.

  1. Picking the Fields to display

Add the name and description of the widget and select the data source.

  1. Grouping Data

Can group data based on those rows that share a common value in one column.

  1. Sorting Data (optional)

Can decide the sort order of the data.

  1. Adding Trending Data (optional)

Can set up data for a widget that shows how a metric has been trending over time.

  1. Setting up a Pivot Table (optional)

Can group and apply functions to the data as you could in a pivot table in an Excel spreadsheet.

After you’ve prepared the data in the widget builder wizard, the system invites you to open the chart wizard.

New Chart Wizard#

A new chart wizard has been added to the Widget Builder screen. The chart wizard lets you configure a chart (e.g., Pie chart, grid, bar graph) that presents the data you prepared through the widget builder wizard. Through the Widget Builder screen, you can edit the stages and chart type of any custom widget built through this screen.

Bug Fixes#

  • Widget Properties - Timer is not shown correctly and needs improvement

  • Customer Admin - Unable to Reset telephone number