
Release 12.0 Notes 11 May 2018#


In this release, we’ve added the following features:

  • Times are augmented with the facility’s local time.

  • Report viewer reports always show the report’s date range.

  • Your viewing preferences on grid widgets are automatically saved.

  • When you exit the design mode of a dashboard with unsaved changes, a dialog warns that you’ll lose your unsaved changes if you exit.

  • You can now build labor module widgets that display activities based on whether they are essential (a.k.a., ‘direct’) and whether they have a goal measurement.

New Features#

Times displayed come from Facility’s Local Time#

Now, the time values of a facility’s records are augmented with corresponding values in the facility’s local time. These time values are calculated using a new mandatory field, ‘Timezone ID’, which has been added to the System Details and Facility Details tabs of the Organization Admin screen. The Timezone ID field is a drop-down field from which you can select a code from the tz database, which is described on the following page:


These codes allow the system to determine whether Daylight Savings Time is observed in a jurisdiction and to account for that when displaying time. The release automatically updates your Organization Admin screen with the correct Timezone ID values, but you will have to populate it for any new system or facility records. Previously, times were only captured in Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Date Range displayed under Report Title#

In reports you access through the Report Viewer, the Report Date field now shows the start date and end date of the report’s date range. After it’s printed, you can easily see what dates the report covers by looking at the header. Previously, this value showed the date parameter, which did not necessarily show the start date and end date of the report’s date range.

New Improvements#

Widget Viewing Preferences are Saved#

Viewing preferences that you apply to a grid widget are now automatically saved when you apply them so that when you re-open the dashboard with the grid, it’s displayed with your latest viewing preferences applied.

The following viewing preferences that you can apply to grids are saved:

  • Pivots

  • Filters

  • Sorting

Essential Flag and Measured Flag Added to Activities#

You can now build labor module widgets that display activities based on whether they are essential (a.k.a., ‘direct’) and whether they have a goal measurement. Two new flags, ‘Essential’ and ‘Measured’, have been added to activity records in the Rebus database. In both flags, ‘1’ represents ‘Yes’ and ‘0’ represents ‘No’. These flags let you more easily build widgets that can show the amount of productive work being done and how well goals are being met.

Whether an activity type is essential and its goal measurement are set up on the Activity Configuration Admin screen.

Confirmation Popup before Leaving Dashboard in Design Mode#

Now, when you exit the design mode of a dashboard with unsaved changes, a dialog warns that you’ll lose your unsaved changes if you exit. You put a dashboard into design mode when you click the Design Dashboard button, which looks like cogwheel.

In design mode, you can add widgets or change ones that are already on the dashboard. If you leave design mode, which can be done by clicking the Design Dashboard button again, and you haven’t saved your changes, you’re now warned that you have unsaved changes that will be lost.

Failed Logins written to Transaction log for failed login#

The details of failed login attempts (e.g., non-existing user name or wrong password) are now written to the data transaction log collection, which has a record for each user activity on the system.

Bug Fixes#


  • Widget Resizing Does Not Happen When Outlook and Skype Are Pinned

  • Misspelling Widget Management tab

  • Widget Drill Down - Data is shown based on previous parameters instead of empty parameters

  • Widgets with errors cannot be removed from dashboards

  • Widget Drawer - Filter out inactive widgets in the group api call

Widget Designer#

  • Widget Designer - Leading zeros are removed from parameter value field

  • Widget Designer - Selected query automatically becomes empty

  • Query builder - Complete error message is not displayed when duplicate query is created.

  • Query Designer - Cannot see certain ported queries


  • Menu/Notepad Boxes - Too narrow on some screen resolutions

  • Console error on blank dashboard when adding a widget

  • Favourite widgets - Inconsistency between adding duplicate widget from one dashboard and from different dashboards

Labor Module#

  • Activity Adjustment - Seconds are calculated to One instead of Zero after entering Start Date in SIGN-ON activity

  • Labor Processing - System Quarantines Processed Transactions

Polls and Flows#

  • Flow Designer - Able to create duplicate trigger.

  • Bulk Polls - Red Asterisk signs are missing for mandatory fields

  • Bulk Polls - Non-editable expanded screen of Bulk Polls has New, Save, Reset, Deactivate and Delete Buttons

  • Poll Admin - Random existing Poll is selected from left pane when user landing first time in poll admin and validation error is not correct for time field

  • Poll Admin - Save Button is still enabled for existing Deactivated Poll having mandatory field “Connection” not selected

  • Bulk Poll Management - Last hour of day of the last day of month = incorrect range


  • FSUser - Sub Menu Activity Group configuration is displayed twice

  • Connector Server - Mark as Removed not Working

  • Connector Server - Uncaught Exception during Processing of Inserts