
Release 9.0 Notes - 10 October 2017#


In this release, we’ve added the following features:

  • You can now set up drill down paths that let you drill down while passing multiple parameters to lower-level widgets.

  • When applying a weekly time range for widgets and reports, you can now set which day of the week starts the week.

  • Dates are now automatically populated when you create activities.

  • Grids now load faster and let you aggregate data.

New Features#

Drill Down with Multiple Parameters#

You can now set up drill down paths in which multiple parameters are passed from the higher-level widget to the lower-level widget when a user drills down. Previously, when you clicked data on a widget to drill down for more details, only one parameter could be passed onto the query that populates the lower-level widget that has the drilled down data.

The ability to pass multiple parameters allows you to set up drill down paths that let you get faster to the underlying details of an item that interests you. This can be especially useful in graphs that show data from multiple series.

E.g., In a bar graph that has a bar for each shipping status for each warehouse, you can drill down directly to a widget that shows the details of a particular shipping status at a particular warehouse because two parameters (i.e., shipping status and warehouse) can be passed to the query that populates the lower-level widget.

Set Up Notes

New Validation on Widget Drill Down Configuration screen

Each widget in a drill down path must have at least all the parameters of the widget above it in the drill down path. To see a widget’s parameters while setting up a drill down path, click the widget label in the Available Widgets list. A widget’s parameters are set up in the Query Builder.

Note: To drill down to a widget, your profile must be already set up to access the widget. Widgets are added to profiles through the Widget Management tab of the Profile Admin page.

Customizing the First Day of the Week for Widgets and Reports#

You can now set which day of the week starts the week when setting the Date parameter in widgets and reports. A new dropdown field, ‘Start Day’, is available when you set a widget’s or report’s Date parameter to ‘This Week’ or ‘Last Week’. Through the Start Day field, select which day should be considered the week’s first day. The default value is ‘Monday’.

Faster Grid Performance#

Rebus now loads grids much faster than before and lets you manipulate grid data in the same way you can an Excel spreadsheet.

What’s Changed

You can now do the following in grids that you couldn’t before:

  • Aggregate data.

    • When grouping, you can apply an aggregation function to any column to populate the group row with values. You can pick from the grid’s built in aggregation functions or provide your own.

    • Pin a column to a location so that you always see it when you’re scrolling through the grid.

    • Hide columns so you can focus on those columns that are of interest to you.

Other user interface changes include:

  • Improved pagination. The grid’s footer shows you a page count and it’s easy to jump to other pages.

  • All columns remain visible regardless of the widget container size.

Dates Automatically Populated when creating Activities#

You can now create activities more quickly because dates are automatically populated.

Rebus now automatically populates dates into a new activity’s steps when you do the following on the Activity Adjustment Admin screen:



Create an activity, populate a new step’s Start Date, and press Tab.

The step’s Stop Date is automatically populated with a value

that’s one second later than the Start Date.

Select an activity in a populated Activity Adjustment table and then create an activity.

The stop date of the selected activity becomes the new step’s Start Date. Its Stop Date is one second later.

Bug Fixes#

Activity Adjustment#

  • Console error is thrown after entering invalid start/ stop date.

  • After clicking on reset button, auto-populated start/stop time fields are empty.

  • System is not auto populating Start Time less than End time by one second.

  • After changing properties of widget date range, top bar date is not changed.

Activity Configuration#

  • Cannot update “Work Category” field on “Sign On” or “Sign Off” activities.


  • Getting Console error while applying Widget to dashboard.

  • Dashboard will be created with duplicate ID in user view if using two tabs on one browser.

  • Cannot share dashboard if it was opened in New Tab.

Drill Down#

  • On drilling down and coming back existing parameters have disappeared.

  • On changing warehouse in parameters and drill down to first level showing wrong data.

Flow Designer#

  • Step detail SQL does not update right away when switching between triggers.

Report Viewer#

  • Switching reports shows the data of previously clicked report for a few seconds.

Widgets and Widget Builder#

  • In Group By Column Mode of Grid, can’t see the expanded last row data or sometimes only able to see chopped data of last row.

  • Can see “Invalid date range” in relative date range of widget properties and no way to update relative date other than delete.

  • Grid widget throws errors in the console and causes the application to behave unexpectedly.

  • Widgets flicker and resize before getting to their original size.

  • Widget Properties - Dropdown Issue.

  • Adding Divide function automatically hides the original columns.

  • Cannot have more than one unique column for the Summary groupItems property.

  • Getting SQL Syntax Error on UI of Widget Builder while assigning some MySQL Collections of Labor.

  • STARTS WITH (ENDS WITH) filter for MySQL Queries throws error.

  • Widget not showing data due to browser’s caching.

  • Unable to save “Name” column properties under grid widget type.

  • Parameters will overflow parent container if too many are entered.

  • Widgets Model Issue:
    • If you add name key to a column and try to save the grid, it is failing with 400.

    • If you add skipEmptyValues flag under Summary, and click save, it doesn’t get saved.

  • ‘STARTS WITH’ and ‘ENDS WITH’ parameters comparators are reversed for SQL Queries.

  • No validation error is displayed when the widget properties form is submitted with empty parameter.

  • “Precision” property in widget’s “group Items” attribute keeps being overwritten.


  • Labor User Maintenance: Label of System becomes red and unable to reset fields.

  • Favorites – Grid horizontal scroll is not clickable.